Monday, February 15, 2010

Cornerstone Offers Quality Education to Students with Special Needs

No two children are alike. While some fall inside and others outside the circle of what the world considers "normal", every unique child born into this world has special needs that are a part of his make-up and personality.

As a school that works closely with each individual, we are keenly aware of the special needs of each child. While one student may understand English easily, he may struggle with long division. Another may be able to clearly articulate an answer but have difficulty writing it down. One student may have a hard time doing the physical education activities, but be awesome in areas of technology. The one truth we have learned is that while strengths and weaknesses may come in different forms and degrees, all students possess special needs.

Cornerstone Christian Academy now has thirty-two students. Our board, administration and staff are thrilled because we view this as an opportunity to assist parents in giving a quality education to thirty-two young people who do possess special needs. It is so exciting to work one on one with these students because we find stimulation in using our creativity to strengthen the weaknesses and challenge the strengths.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Exciting Opportunity for Preschoolers!

Spring Time Adventures – Exploring the wonders of God’s Creation with our five senses!

Beginning Wednesday March 3 – April 7, 2010.
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
You are invited to register now to share a wonderful, fun-filled hour each week with your young child! This program is appropriate for children 2 ½ -5 years of age and adults including Moms, Dads, Grandparents or other caregivers.

The Program includes participatory music, art, games, stories and refreshments for you and your child to enjoy together! All material used is child safe, morally sound and based on fundamental Christian truths.

Similar programs cost as much as $200.00 but because of the generosity of Ashland Ave. Baptist Church and Cornerstone Christian Academy and Preschool, this program is being offered free to the first 10 child/adult teams to register.
For more information or to register call Ashland Ave. Baptist Church at 531-3626 or Cornerstone Christian Academy and Preschool at 351-7900.
Spring Time Adventures – Exploring the wonders of God’s Creation with our five senses!

Week 1 - Hands to Touch the Spring Time
What does Spring feel like? Planting a seed
that will grow for the next few weeks.
Feeling the wind - Kites
Week 2 - Eyes to See the Spring Time
Sun, Stars, Moon, Day and Night time,
Fireflies and Butterflies and Bumble Bees
Week 3 - Ears to Hear the Spring Time
Sounds we hear – birds, happy children
Week 4 - Mouth to Taste the Spring Time
Explore happy spring time food – ice
cream, strawberries and more. Make a
fun edible Springtime Treat! Noses to
Smell the Spring Time - Flowers, Trees
Week 5 - Feet to Explore the Spring Time
Imaginary Trip to Mountain, Rivers, Valleys,
The Zoo
Week 6 - Celebrating What we have learned -
Reviewing all the fun things we have done –
Party Time

Cornerstone Christian Academy/Preschool

Cornerstone Christian Academy has several of the cutest and sweetest Pre-Kindergarten Students!
What fun to watch them grow - to see their minds open to academics -and to share with them their first school friendships.

We love these little ones and hope to be able to minister to them through the years to come.

Non-Public Chartered Christian School in Cincinnati?

Cornerstone Christian Academy now has it's charter with the Ohio Department of Education. This means that we now will have access to some funds that will allow us to purchase materials to help with the education of our students. It also means that we can recover some administrative costs. Another benefit is that we can choose to accept or not accept vouchers for students who live in failing school districts near CCA. In addition to these benefits, it means that we have been observed and tested by the highest department in our state in the area of education. This is the result of much prayer and work but most of all the result of blessings from God on our school. Thank you for prayers and please continue to pray that we can hold the standards high academically and spiritually in the years to come.