Monday, February 15, 2010

Cornerstone Offers Quality Education to Students with Special Needs

No two children are alike. While some fall inside and others outside the circle of what the world considers "normal", every unique child born into this world has special needs that are a part of his make-up and personality.

As a school that works closely with each individual, we are keenly aware of the special needs of each child. While one student may understand English easily, he may struggle with long division. Another may be able to clearly articulate an answer but have difficulty writing it down. One student may have a hard time doing the physical education activities, but be awesome in areas of technology. The one truth we have learned is that while strengths and weaknesses may come in different forms and degrees, all students possess special needs.

Cornerstone Christian Academy now has thirty-two students. Our board, administration and staff are thrilled because we view this as an opportunity to assist parents in giving a quality education to thirty-two young people who do possess special needs. It is so exciting to work one on one with these students because we find stimulation in using our creativity to strengthen the weaknesses and challenge the strengths.